circle survive

creation could be tagged as the ultimate goal in any human's life. many spend their whole lives with the dream of creation, whether the desired result is another human life, a work of art, or meaningful relationships with other sentient beings. in the future - what sort of objects will be created? physicality is something that is drenched in antiquity - the creation of virtual environments, skins for your own skin, and ethereal sonic waves all gently hugging your neurons will be the crowning achievement of tomorrow's creator.

how do you create something truly beautiful? whether the creation is a human being or a novel, attention to details and continually reassessing your method is a good start. communal creation is the best way to achieve the most from this process. the internet is already formed around this methodology.. who knows what could be possible when we see the true potential of the power of reassessment and a continual rebirth of ideas.

virtual reality will allow us the ultimate creation.. like in mormonism, we will become gods of a world.. (unless you happen to be black) isn't that already the intent of games like spore? what will 20 years and 20 million collaborators create? just beauty or a solution to the universe's lovely mysteries?

i want to find out.

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