so far wrong

I mistakenly referenced a book, “Robot Love,” in a few entries back. I was confused on several levels. First of all I was kind of thinking of the book Geek Love which is a totally different animal. The book I tried to refer to is called Love + Sex with Robots, which I picked up at Book People on Saturday. I am a few pages in and I’m already captivated. I can’t wait to claim a robot lover for my own. His name will be Theodore.

In other interesting news, I stumbled upon this website which sells vintage patterns. They have an entire section dedicated to jumpsuits and jumpers. If I had sewing skills I would totally create some of these.. but I am not that talented. Also, Josh spoke with the manager of the American Apparel store on the Drag and suggested that they start carrying jumpsuits. Thanks for passing along the good word Josh.

Okay – now lets get on to the good stuff. Politics and the future.. What is the destiny of democracy in our new technocentric society? Campaign viral videos, message boards, and chat rooms have been around for a while now, but the current primaries are even more entrenched in the interwebs. The YouTube debate (as maligned as it was) is a key example of the changing face of the political process in the face of emerging technologies. Candidates are supported through Facebook groups and channels on YouTube. Campaigns are created and destroyed through grassroots internet activities (ie Ron Paul).

The internet is arguably one of the most free and truly democratic “places” on earth. MSM is faltering – (See here and here). The diverse and unfiltered source of campaign coverage that the internet issues is truly exciting – and it offers a better chance for a truly informed electorate than the MSM which is riddled with corporate influences and slanted coverage (see here). I think technology and election coverage is an exciting thing. Of course we are not talking about eVoting or any Diebold debacles – yet – just the free flow of information from blogs and social news websites to citizens – which is so critical now.

"Whenever the people are well-informed, they can be trusted with their own government;... whenever things get so far wrong as to attract their notice, they may be relied on to set them to rights." -Thomas Jefferson

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you're welcome, human.

-codename: foxglove